Bound in Blood
Bound in Blood
CLIENT: Ubisoft
AGENCY: Ubisoft
Don't feature anyone getting shot. Eliminate the appearance of blood. Instead, insinuate all of it by showing the aftermath and let the audience use their imagination.
Promote a violent game designed to put you in the shoes of an outlaw without promoting gun violence. (Turns out the ESRB monitors advertising too.)
Tim Tadder was able to use his unique photography style and process to paint a vivid picture of lawlessness. We also created some trailers to match the tone of the image to raise the Call of Juarez brand to new heights.
In Playstation Magazine, we were able to do a pull-out that let readers open the saloon door and see the aftermath of an Old West shootout.
Remember the trend of apps that did one thing? There was a lava lamp. There was a lighter. Well, we sponsored the shotgun app and skinned it with a period-accurate weapon.
For a mid-tier game release
with a modest budget, we got a decent amount of coverage.